Art Education Promotes Healthy Development
Art education is a very important part of a child’s development. Children learn about their senses by touching and feeling. This is exactly what artistic processes involve. The children are in direct contact with the materials used. Therefore, art is a fantastic way to train children’s senses.
How important is an art in children’s lives and how can it promote their development?
Art is very important for children. This enables them to express themselves very well. This is because many art forms are very close to children’s natural play. For example, role-playing games that children make again and again on their own quickly become a play. Experimenting with words and sounds can also come very close to music or poetry. The artistic education ties in and motivates the children to play.
They say art is important for children’s self-esteem. Why is that?
Children don’t just like to experiment by nature. You also want to leave traces with what you have tried. And that applies both to the world around them and to their interior. There should be something left of what they do. Art can help them do this. In order for this to succeed, they have to experience the design process as something positive. This is where artistic education counts. It helps the children to perceive art as a positive experience, to support them in the development of their own projects and thereby to strengthen their self-confidence.
What possibilities are there for the creative promotion of children?
The opportunities to support children in their creative activities are endless. You can do that with very small things, like sitting in a meadow, feeling the grass around you, and playing with it. But it can also be real projects, such as staging a small play together with an RPG.
The most important thing is always to include the child’s natural disposition. It doesn’t make sense to impose an art form on a child that it doesn’t like. It is better to support the forms of expression that the child shows anyway while playing and that they enjoy.
It is less important that parents have a particularly good understanding of certain artistic processes. A certain basic attitude is much more important. Those who approach children with sensitivity and alertness are best able to recognize and encourage their creative dispositions.
The children get a lot of space to independently develop creative processes in free play. Of course, there is also a planned daily schedule. For example, small rituals, like recurring songs, accompany everyday life in the crib. The transitions from one art form to another are often fluid. Thus, when you paint together, you may also sing or the children combine role-playing with dancing.
Are there different phases depending on age, when which form of artistic expression is more important?
Basically there are no restrictions. Since very young children often move to music, this is perhaps a particularly easily accessible form of expression. But basically you can recommend any art form for all ages.
What is more important in the selection is how to bring art closer to the children. You mustn’t be overwhelmed, but you shouldn’t be underwhelmed either. Small children can only be creatively encouraged with simple games. If it gets too complicated, they will quickly lose their fun. However, as the children get older, the demands must also grow with them so that they do not get bored.
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