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How to Buy Art for Your Home

Painting above the bed headboard


Art in the house, it’s really not just for the rich. Art is a concept that cannot be measured in value, even though many connoisseurs want it to be. It’s about what you like, after all, tastes differ. Do you also want art in your home? You can even Google “car boot sales near me” to find sellers of artwork for you to buy. Then read this article and come up with different ideas.

Thrift stores

Art doesn’t have to be expensive. There are millions, perhaps billions of artists worldwide who create things — whether they are successful is no measure. A simple wood carving, for example, is authentic handicraft, but they are for sale at thrift stores for a few euros. These are places where you will encounter many hidden treasures anyway. You will also come across cheap objects at flea markets. Whether they are worth a lot afterward, is not the point. If you like it, it’s art. Fortunately, there is no law about that.


The value is not expressed in money but in emotions. And of course, there are people who can paint more beautifully than others. If you still want a well-known work on the wall, such as The Scream by Edvard Munch, Bassin aux Nymphéas by Claude Monet, or perhaps something by Keith Haring, you can also choose a reproduction and frame it. By the way, you should never rule out the possibility that you are an artist yourself. That can start with taking a beautiful photo.

Your own art

Speaking of self-creation: some people make their own furniture or exhibit collections in a display case. Peanut sets, old toy dolls, all kinds of figurines of an animal species, et cetera. There are people who frame entire collages of labels or build a pirate ship from cloves.


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Local artists

But you may have some savings to do things differently. Then you can look around at local galleries in your city or village to see what is being made in the area. The nice thing is that these are often recognizable prints, of well-known buildings or landscapes from the neighborhood. There is also art lending, where you get beautiful art for a certain period of time. For example, you always have something different on the wall or on the mantelpiece per month or every six months. Support your locals! we say.

Search online

There are many websites where you can purchase unique works of art at a reasonable price. Etsy is a well-known gathering place for artists who want to show and sell their work worldwide. You will also find the most beautiful things on a social medium like Pinterest. And then there are the well-known second-hand websites where, just like at the flea market, you unexpectedly come across beautiful and affordable objects. Who knows, you might buy something from a starting artist who will be world-famous in ten years’ time. But of course, art shouldn’t be about that.


So don’t stare blindly at TV shows such as Priceless and Between Art & Kitsch, where people with an old image, an inherited brooch, or a dusted painting try to get rich quickly. They are nice programs, but they do exactly what art is not intended for: estimating the value in euros. You decide for yourself whether something is art.
