Whimsical Art Exhibit on Smart Meters




Sir Peter Blake, the artist behind Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover, has showcased a quirky exhibition motivated by the advent of Smart Mters into the UK.

The exhibit was held in the White Cloth Gallery in Leeds as the electricity meters were across the country. The government has vowed to put in a meter in every home by 2020.

The British pop artist, who’s famous for his part in designing the sleeve of the Beatles album, said his art was motivated by the most recent work of artist Saul Steinberg,”who gave new significance to everyday items”.

“In this case, the smart meters indicated little bodies to me, so I flipped into people — symbolising the installers that are fitting the yards to every house in the UK. I enjoy something which is visible as rather workaday will be introduced with art, and all the Smart Meters is an intriguing method of highlighting its own federal value.” He said.

Smart meters are known as the newest tools for measuring gas and electricity, since they reveal how much consumption a household is using pounds and pence to finally stop estimated invoices and encourage power saving. The artist has mirrored the poetry of Carol Ann Duffy who used power meters as a subject of his work, which is about the switch over from analogue to digital meters.

In a similar fashion, in November of 2015, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra played a piece of music with all instruments made from older gas and power meters.

The chief executive of Smart Energy GB, Sacha Deshmukh, said:

“It’s fantastic that certainly one of our greatest living artists has attracted smart yards and also the intelligent meter roll out to life in this manner. And I am delighted he has included the heroes of those roll out — the installers, that are travelling up and down the country to match millions of smart meters in homes around the UK.”

More than 4 million smart meters have been already installed across Britain.
