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3 Art Ideas to Do When You are Bored

When you have nothing to do and are bored, all you want is to find something that will keep your mind occupied. You can spend hours watching TV or reading a book, but these things won’t challenge your creativity or keep your brain active.

Art is an excellent way to exercise the mind while also having fun. Whether you’re a child, an adult, or somewhere in between, art has something for everyone. You don’t need any previous training or experience to start creating amazing things from common objects.

If you’re done with your best essay writing service commissions and don’t know what else to do, here are some art ideas you can do if you are bored!


Coloring is one of the most basic art activities that you can do. You can do it with pencils or crayons or even paint if you want to get serious. What makes it an art form is the creative process behind it. You are using your imagination while also being mindful of the details.

It’s a good way to destress and relax while still being productive. It’s good for all ages, so you can have your kids join in as well.


Origami is the art of paper folding. You can fold anything from animals to flowers to geometric shapes. It’s a very simple art form that you can do with a single piece of paper.

There are many different ways you can do origami. You can create an entire scene with multiple pieces or try your hand at some more advanced techniques like modular origami. It’s a good way to exercise your creative side while also learning a new skill.


Sketching is one of the best ways to exercise your creativity. It doesn’t matter if you are an artist or not, anyone can sketch. You don’t have to be a great artist since sketches aren’t meant to be perfect. How you sketch is more important than what you are sketching.

You can sketch whatever you want. It can be a scene from the TV show you are currently watching or some sort of idea you have. Just have some paper and a pen or pencil and start sketching.

Helpful Tips on Sketching Faces

Did you know that drawing faces is a great way to get better at art? Yes, you heard it right! Every part of a face is different, and drawing them is a new experience each time you do it. So, to draw different facial features, you need to know how to draw faces. Most artists don’t fully understand how the size and placement of one facial feature affects the size and placement of another. This is a very important thing to know if you want to improve at drawing faces.

What is sketching, and why is it a good pastime? 

When it comes to art, sketching is a great way to get better. A sketch can be a rough description with few details, a quick drawing that has to be done in a certain amount of time, or a simple drawing that an artist uses to try out something new. Most people say that sketching is a good hobby that everyone should take up. Because it can not only help a person become a better observer, but it can also help an artist draw with more confidence.

It will help you improve your freehand drawing and your ability to see tones and colors in different things. It is also important if you want to learn how to draw a face. When you know how to draw faces, you’ll have a lot more confidence in your ability to draw people in general.

Drawing the nose from the front

Most artists think that it’s hard to draw a nose. You can use different shapes and forms to help you make the shape of the nose from different angles, profile view, or straight-on/front view.

It is always best to use the grid method when drawing the front view of the nose. Use a good sketching pencil, smooth paper, an eraser, and a blending stump to draw a realistic front view of a nose. Note: Make sure the pencil strokes are light so they are easy to erase later. 

Once you’ve used a pencil to make the basic shape of a nose, it’s time to add light and dark tones. Before adding light and dark shades, make sure to get rid of the grid lines. 

Dark colors should be put in the nostrils, along the bottom of the nose, and around the tips and bridge of the nose. While light colors should be added to the edges of the nostrils, the sides, and the tip/ball of the nose. 

After adding light and dark shades, you’ll need to blend them together to give your sketch a smooth look. This will give your drawing both a light and a dark look, as well as a soft touch. You can blend with a stump, or you can use an eraser to dab on the spots that look too dark. 

Blend the dark shades into the lighter ones to make the nose look real. Skin tones can be light or dark, depending on what you want. You may expound. 
